Contact Juni K

Contact Juni K

Hej, I’m JuniK.

I’m a Berlin based part-time artist and tinker-fix who was a Ghost fan for quite a while. I’ve been a metalhead since I was 15. My taste in music changed and switched over the years between hard rock, power metal, NBWOM, classic rock, grunge, alternative … and one fine day I stumbled upon a guest appearance by a satanic rock ’n roll band called Ghost. I instantly fell for the concept of creating harmonies with contradictory elements. Clear vocals with morbid lyrics, heavy riffs with poppy hooklines…. I hadn’t experienced such music in this perfection and album lengths with other bands. It’s so easy to fall for the devil. I got addicted to the music. I rode the hype train for 3 albums, bought merch, sewed clothes, went to concerts, …. I was heavily fangirling, which I hadn’t done for any other band before.

I had started the Ghost Gig Globe project with the warmest intentions and fan devotion in 2019 to give back to a band that inspired me a lot. It was fun for a while, but became an regretful burden when I tried to actually deliver it. I’m shy. At the very least, I need a little time to warm up to people. I’m definitely not the type to brag about my works. Presenting the globe in person was never a preferred option. I wanted my work to speak for itself. But I’m not given the slightest chance to even bring it, let alone to send it to a save address. Being let down more than once for something that is definitely not the ordinary never feels good. Maybe I would have accepted it if it had been rejected by the supposed recipient as unappealing. But so far it’s been just a matter of logistics and blocking of those.

I used to be an online editor, a travel writer, a web designer, a social media editor, a fundraiser, an illustrator…. I wouldn’t call myself highly gifted, but definitely intelligent. I solve other people’s problems 40 times a day. The only problem I can’t seem to solve is giving a gift to a specific person on this planet. And I refuse to understand why that shouldn’t be possible…. Maybe this way I will reach someone who can help. I’m willing to pack it again and bring where ever…

If you think, you need to contact Juni K, this is your way:

    Please note:

    All rights to the content, images, videos and the Ghost Gig Globe idea are owned by Juni K. Please respect the uniqueness and my rights to these. Do not take any images or text from this website without permission.