

Every mirror ball is designed to hang from the ceiling. This means that if you were to look at this one from below, you would first see Antarctica, just like any other realistic Earth model. Now we all know that Ghost has not toured within Antarctica. But seeing only the glittery surface of the continent made of rhinestones as the first thing in the viewer’s eye is so lame for my taste that I instantly thought of fillers. Penguins came to mind.

Ghost Gig Globe Metallica Penguins © Juni K
Ghost Gig Globe Metallica Penguins © Juni K

But wait, there is a band that has toured the frozen continent, and they happen to be tour partners with Ghost and are supposed to be personal friends with Tobias Forge. So freeze them all and give Antarctica some Metallica! Making human figures would have been too much for a band whose gig Globe this is not. So Hetfield, Hammet, Trujillo and Ulrich became penguins with the band’s signature instruments – well, and that drummer bird hitting some trash bins…. don’t know what got into me. Maybe I was hoping to make someone giggle with it. The Penguins are, after two crashes, already in the third generation.